On one of the Nansei Islands also known as The Ryukyu Islands, which is a chain of Japanese islands that stretch southwest from Kyushu to Taiwan, three couples start their way to the beach; it is 5.00 am, Matsumura is eager to get to the sea, his back is hurting, as his wife Yui and he worked for seven hours gardening the day before, he is confident as always, that the seawater and swimming will cure his ache.
These couples have been friends for 88 years, between them having an average age of 92. They are not the only ones, as this is very common on the Island of Nansei, which has two times more centenarians than mainland Japan and other southwest Islands, with a further eleven times as many centenarians as are found in the United Kingdom.
The conversation inadvertently leads to a discussion about what they ate for dinner, all meals will include the precious, highly valued and respected ground Okinawa Sea Coral Minerals, just as the Mediterranean’s value and prize their precious olive groves and Olive Oil.
Yui starts by recollecting every detail of the meal she prepared, miso soup with fine buckwheat noodles sprinkled with coral calcium; another friend interrupts to tell everyone how she made sushi and between each layer of the carefully handpicked and dried Nori, she sprinkled the coral calcium and on and on until they all reach the sea.
‘Okinawa Sea Coral Minerals from The Health Factory is harvested, preserved and brought to you, with equal reverence, so it is exactly the same as the one that Matsumara, Yui and all their ancestors have used for centuries’.
Coral reefs are equally a miracle and gift, and therefore, one of the wonders of the world. Protecting our coastlines from storms and erosion, a major source of food and new medicines with over half a billion people dependant on the reefs for food, income and protection, including six million fishermen.
They also contain the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem on the planet, more than our tropical rainforest and home to 25% of marine life.
Sea Coral

Okinawa Sea Coral Minerals, are only harvested from reef-building coral, off the water of Nansei Islands, so as to ensure immaculate clean and pure water, which naturally contains a high mineral content, as it is constantly being filtered through coral remains which contain vast amounts of minerals and elements, further enhanced by the topography of the area, as being one of the largest landmasses of volcanic origin. This is conducted under very strict government regulations.
This process of carefully coordinating the harvesting, to ensure that there is no damage to the coral in any shape or form, is only made possible by the unique growth patterns of the coral. This specific coral grows with distinctive and idiosyncratic sideways projections; having the advantage of removing marine coral sand from areas around the coral reefs, which in turn allow for complete rejuvenation of reef growth and flourish. As new sideways projections grow, they also simultaneously protect the remaining coral.
All the above techniques and the great care that has been perfected over thousands of years and respectfully adhered to by us, also means that Okinawa minerals are the closest in composition to the original living form of coral and nearly all minerals and organic elements are preserved. These elements are the vitality and purity of the product, with not only high amounts of calcium and magnesium but also the ‘golden ratio’ ideal for the human diet, being calcium to magnesium 2:1.
This sadly is not the case with other marine corals, which are sold as quality products, but are mostly coral sand left on the ocean floor and usually mixed with fillers and preserving chemicals, especially in tablet form.
Okinawans grade the quality of coral based on a high ‘magnesium content’ and ours is one of the highest as every 100 grams contains 11,000,000 mcg (11,000 mg) of Magnesium.
The 2:1 ratio in Okinawa minerals is perfect and impressive, as the calcium levels in 100 grams is 22,800,000 mcg (22,800 mg) and I will explain further as to why these two elements are also present in a form that is fully bioavailable and utilised by the body.
Every living cell depends on minerals for proper structure and function and is naturally occurring chemical elements found in the earth. Minerals are needed for proper composition of body fluids, including blood and composition and function of bone, teeth, muscles, supporting nerve function, muscle tone and cardiovascular system. Also acting as important coenzymes allowing the body to perform biochemical functions such as energy production, growth healing and utilisation of vitamins and nutrients.
As calcium and magnesium are alkali metals and are electropositive when these minerals are added to water a substantial amount become ionic. It is also important to note that Okinawa minerals in ionized forms, carry a positive electrical charge, meaning that these minerals are very energetic and active in the body; also conferring an alkalizing effect and raising the pH of the body substantially, which many studies have shown can increase our immune system considerably as these bioavailable nutrients are necessary for the tissue, cells, sub-cellular structures and molecules in living organisms.
Magnesium is the second most abundant intracellular cation after potassium and the blood contains less than 1 % of the total body magnesium. In the case of magnesium, only the free ionized forms of magnesium (Mg2+) are physiologically active. Okinawa minerals confer a great advantage as, when added to water or sprinkled on food, virtually all the minerals become ionic and can be fully absorbed and utilised by the body. Even when entering the stomach, a large percentage of the coral minerals become ionized and are ready for absorption within 10 to 20 minutes, even though, the calcium is present as calcium carbonate. This is also why Okinawa minerals have a scientifically proven eighty percent absorption in twenty minutes.
Another advantage of the coral minerals is the presence of chelated mineral atoms; these are a class of complex compounds with a central metal atom, attached to a larger molecule, the electrical charges of these chelated minerals, allow for greater and faster absorption in the body.
On the other hand, mineral supplements, such as those in tablet form or made from inferior coral mineral extractions, are not bioavailable; the disadvantages are even greater, as they must reach the stomach first, to be digested and utilised. It is, therefore, impossible to know how much is being absorbed, especially if the stomach is compromised such as in Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and various autoimmune diseases.
Most of the calcium carbonate found in supplements and also used extensively as fillers in food products, cosmetics, dental products and many supplements on the market is a by-product of a very cheap low-grade calcium carbonate, that is mined from Limestone mostly and ground to size.
There are such abundant deposits of limestone on the planet that it will not become exhausted. We may have to live for a long time with this indiscriminate ubiquitous usage. This form of calcium carbonate can be damaging to the kidneys and liver, especially if not balanced with Vitamin D3, magnesium, other essential and ionic minerals and trace elements.
Calcium is one of the most complicated and hardest minerals for the body to absorb, yet vitally important as a major constituent of bones and teeth, and plays an essential role as the second messenger in cell-signalling pathway.
Okinawa Sea Coral Minerals, are by far the most effective and assured way to absorb calcium due to the bioavailability and the high content of magnesium in a perfectly balanced ratio. Okinawa Sea Coral Minerals also have a complete composition of more than 70 essential and ionic minerals and trace elements.